Library Committee:

Library Committee had been constituted for the purpose of the smooth functioning of the Library and coordination with all Heads of the Department, faculty members, students and the management.

Major responsibilities of the Library Committee:
  • To consider policy matters regarding Central Library / Departmental Libraries, including the policy for procurement of books and journals and render advice to the purchase committee for Library material procurements.
  • To look into the day to day functioning of the Library for students and staff and to solve the problems if any that occurs.
  • To supervise the allocation and utilization of funds for purchase of books and journals of different departments for the Central Library and Departmental libraries.
  • To maintain liaison between the Central Library and various Academic Departments for the purchase of required books.
  • To consider the recommendations of faculty members regarding the purchase of books/journals in the Library.
  • To consider and put forward the views of students and Research Scholars regarding their requirements and arranging them as per availability.
  • To consider and put forward the views of students and Research Scholars regarding their requirements and arranging them as per availability.

The activities of the library are monitored by the way of lending books, purchase of books, lending of audio-visual materials, Stock verification, Computerization, etc…